Will Griffiths
Clear Air Photography
I have always loved views from high places. Ever since I was young I always wanted to climb to the top of a building or hill. I've climbed mountains around the world from South America to Nepal as well as in the UK. The perspective views are invariably magnificent and help raise your spirit.
Clear Air Photography is an extension of that passion for getting those unique views from the air. We provide photography and video services using drones for the following;
Aerial Surveys
Film making
Charities/Non-Profit making organisations
From time to time we also run drone familiarisation/training sessions and help you decide on the best drones to use for your situation. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Previous Work
St Michael's Hospice, Hereford
Marketing & Publicity Department
MARCH - 2018
'Remembrance Day'
A Film by Stephen Denison - Hereford College of Art
APRIL - MAY - 2017
Heart of Worcestershire College
Marketing Videos on Malvern Spring Lane and Worcester Northbrook campuses including inside buildings
Woolhope Cricket Club
Marketing/Publicity Photos/Video
MAY - 2018
Album Cover inner Photography Credit
Never Stop Moving - John Jones and the Reluctant Ramblers
4 047179 891721
westparkmusic.de - 2015
CD Cover (back) Photography Credit
September Skies EP - Rowen Godel https://rowangodel.bandcamp.com/album/september-skies-ep
rowangodel.bandcamp.com VDC Group - 2016
First Kompleater of the TRAIL 100
TRAIL Magazine article on the first person to climb all 100 mountain peaks in the UK on the TRAIL magazine list
Contact Me
E- info@clearairphotography.com
T- 07741648157